Simple Steps to Take Care of your French Bulldog

Step 1:

Take your dog for walks every couple of days. This keeps them fit and can prevent health problems involving heart and weight complications

Step 2:

French Bulldogs eat a lot as a puppy, in one day they should be fed 1 to 1.5 cups of dry food a day.This amount of food should be separated into two meals.

Step 3:

Grooming your French Bulldog is important to the dogs coat. they need to be brushed once or twice every week. They shed as much as any dog with short fur. You can make grooming an easy task by starting to groom them at a young age.

Overall health concerns:

this is a condition where the femur does not fit as it should within the pelvic socket of the hip. A dog suffering from this condition will act like they are experiencing pain in one or both legs.

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